Vesthelm Engine

2.1.4 User Guide

Captcha Class

The Captcha class provides captcha functions.

Calling the Captcha Class

$Captcha = $this->Captcha;

Creating CAPTCHA

Adding code to controller:

$this->View->assign('captcha', true);

Vesthelm.util.createCaptcha() function used to create CAPTCHA field in ExtJS form:

Ext.define('Vesthelm.view.bulletin_board.bulletin.AddBulletinForm', {
    extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',

    alias: 'widget.add_bulletin_form',

    initComponent: function() {     
        Ext.apply(this, {
            items: [ Vesthelm.util.createCaptcha() ]            


HTML form without ExtJS:

$captcha_html = $this->Captcha->printCaptcha();

echo $captcha_html;

Checking CAPTCHA

if (!$this->Captcha->checkCaptcha()) {
    $error = lang('invalid_captcha');

echo $error;