Vesthelm Engine

2.1.1 User Guide

Check_Model Class

The Check_Model class provides functions to check validated data, set errors or remove some data.

Creating Check_Model

Let's say you want to create bulletin board application. You might have check-model class that contains functions to check data. Here is an example of what such check-model class might look like:

$_GET example:

defined('V_IN_FRONTEND') or die('Powered by <a href="">Vesthelm EE</a>');

class Bulletin_Board_Bulletin_Check_GET extends Vesthelm_Check_Model {

    public function id($value) {
        $f = __FUNCTION__;

        if (!is_array($value) && !$this->bulletin_board->Bulletin->get('', $value)) {
            $this->setError(array($f => lang('bulletin_not_found', 'bulletins', 'bulletin_board')));

        return $this->getErrors($f);


id() function will check validated data and return error if some data was not specified.

$_POST example:

defined('V_IN_FRONTEND') or die('Powered by <a href="">Vesthelm EE</a>');

class Bulletin_Board_Bulletin_Check_POST extends Vesthelm_Check_Model {

    public function id($value) {
        $f = __FUNCTION__;

        if (empty($value)) {
            $this->setError(array($f => lang('field_required')));

        return $this->getErrors($f);


id() function will check validated value and return an error if empty value was specified.

Anatomy of Check_Model

Check_Model classes are stored in folders:

//Core check-models

//Application check-models{application_name}/frontend/models{application_name}/acp/models

//Addon check-models{addon_name}/frontend/models{addon_name}/acp/models

//Sometimes check-models can be found here (old way):{addon_name}/frontend/classes{addon_name}/acp/classes

The basic prototype for check-model class is:

class Enhancement_Name_Check_Model_Name_Check_HTTP_METHOD_NAME extends Vesthelm_Check_Model {
    public function column_name() {}

Where Enhancement_Name is the name of your enhancement. Enhancement names must have the first letter capitalized after underscore _ character.

Where Check_Model_Name is the name of your class. Class names must have the first letter capitalized after underscore _ character. Make sure your class extends the base Check_Model class.

Where HTTP_METHOD_NAME is one of the HTTP methods (POST or GET).

The file name will be same as your class name (Check_Model_Name_Validate_HTTP_METHOD_NAME). For example, if your class is:

class Bulletin_Board_Bulletin_Check_GET extends Vesthelm_Check_Model {
    public function column_name() {}

Your file will be:


Calling Check_Model

Calling Bulletin Board application check-model:

$Bulletin_Check_GET = $this->bulletin_board->Bulletin_Check_GET;


Where bulletin_board is the name of enhancement and Bulletin_Check_GET is the name of the Check_Model.

Getting Check_Model errors and data

$validity_check = $Vesthelm->bulletin_board->Bulletin->validityCheck();

$data = $validity_check['data'];
$errors = $validity_check['errors'];