How to clear cache (settings, languages, CSS, JS etc.) ?

Views 6
Date Mar 23, 2015 (9 years, 11 months, 3 weeks, 10 hours ago)
Clearing cache (settings, languages, CSS and JavaScript files)

You need to delete all files and directories (except files `.htaccess`, `index.html`) in directory `{your_domain}/compile_dir/cache/`

After clearing cache will be created automatically!
You can also clear the cache in admin panel.
You need to clear the cache when switching to another hosting!!!

Clearing template cache

You need to delete all files and directories (except files `.htaccess`, `index.html`) in directory `{your_domain}/compile_dir/tpl/`

Clearing .log files (error messages on the site)

You need to delete all files and directories (except files `.htaccess`, `index.html`) in directory `{your_domain}/compile_dir/log/`

.log files contain errors, warnings, messages, if the developer mode disabled.

Clearing temporary files

You need to delete all files and directories (except file `index.html`) in directory `{your_domain}/compile_dir/tmp/`

Temporary files: XML sitemap files etc.

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